Contact: Send your resume at [email protected]

Full Stack Developer - Job Description

Better Shift is looking for an Intern to join the team

App - The Better Shift



About The Better Shift

It's not just another boring productivity app. It's more.

The Better Shift was born out of the necessity to address the evolving landscape of work and productivity. Traditional methods of multitasking and constant connectivity often leave us feeling overwhelmed, no time to focus on your health and burnt outs. The app is meticulously crafted to provide a focused, distraction-free environment where you can prioritize one task without succumbing to the pressures of multitasking and also help you build healthy habits in the time that you save.

Who are people behind The Better Shift

We are a bunch of friends in Bangalore, India who planned to start this startup as all of us are design and health enthusiasts.

By End of September 2024

This is our plan and we would love for you to be a part of the journey.

Job Description

The Better Shift looking for a React Native developer interested in building performant mobile apps on both the iOS and Android platforms. You will be responsible for architecting and building the core app form 0 - 1, as well as coordinating with the founder and designer. Building a product is a highly collaborative effort, and as such, a strong team player with a commitment to perfection is required.
